Band 6 – Very good user (Aggregated score: 260-300)
Very good command of the language. Highly expressive, fluent, accurate and appropriate language: hardly any inaccuracies. Very good understanding of language and contexts. Functions extremely well in the language.

Band 5 – Good user (Aggregated score: 220-259)
Good command of the language. Expressive, fluent, accurate, and appropriate language but with minor inaccuracies.Good understanding of language and contexts. Functions well in the language.

Band 4 – Competent user (Aggregated score: 180-219)
Satisfactory command of the language. Satisfactory, expressive and fluent. Approriate language but with occasional inaccuracies. Satisfactory understanding of the language and contexts. Functions satisfactorily in the language.

Band 3 – Modest user (Aggregated score: 140-179)
Modest command of the language. Modestly expressive and fluent, appropriate language but with noticeable inaccuracies. Modest understanding of the language and contexts. Able to function modestly in the language.

Band 2 – Limited user (Aggregated score: 101-139)
Limited command of the language. Lacks expressiveness, fluency and appropriateness: inaccurate use of the language resulting in breakdown in communication. Limited understanding of language and contexts. Limited ability to function in the language.

Band 1 – Extremely limited user (Aggregated score: below 100)
Poor command of the language. Unable to use language to express ideas: inaccurate use of the language resulting in frequent breakdowns in communication. Little or poor understanding of language and contexts. Hardly able to function in the language.

Aggregated score
Communicative ability
Task performance
260 - 300
Highly proficient user
Very fluent; highly appropriate use of language; hardly any grammatical error
Very good understanding of language and context
Very high ability to function in the language
220 - 259
Proficient user
Fluent; appropriate use of language; few grammatical errors
Good understanding of language and context
High ability to function in the language
180 - 219
Satisfactory user
Generally fluent; generally appropriate use of language; some grammatical errors
Satisfactory understanding of language and context
Satisfactory ability to function in the language
140 - 179
Modest user
Fairly fluent; fairly appropriate use of language; many grammatical errors
Fair understanding of language and context
Fair ability to function in the language
100 - 139
Limited user
Not fluent; inappropriate use of language; very frequent grammatical errors
Limited understanding of language and context
Limited ability to function in the language
Below 100
Very limited user
Hardly able to use the language
Very limited understanding of language and context
Very limited ability to function in the language

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